I began my first hour of information by scrolling aimlessly through Netflix as I’ve always done when trying to find something to watch. Except this time, I payed more attention to the volume of options I had before me, the large mix of television shows, movies, documentaries, comedies. I decided to watch a documentary called 20 Feet from Stardom, which was about African American backup singers before and during the era of rock and roll. One interesting thing I found out was that one of my favorite songs by the Rolling Stones actually included one of these backup singers, and she was later inducted in the Rock and Roll hall of fame for her work with the band and others. The vast amount of choices that is available on streaming services can make it feel overwhelming when trying to choose a program to watch.  The movie would have kind of slow moments, so I would stop and maybe check my messages and social media from time to time. This immersed me even more into even more media and I found that I didn’t not gain any useful information from my social media, but I did receive multiple advertisements while using the app.

              For my outside time I went to University Park that is near George Mason. I brought a book and notebook to pass the time but ended up just observing the park and the other people there. It was a cold day, so I did not enjoy just sitting on the park bench, so I walked around for a while to get warmer. The trees swaying as the wind whipped through them was calming to be around, not only for the look of it but the sound was calming as well. There was one couple who was walking their dog around and that was about all the animals I saw besides a handful of squirrels. I found that I could think clearer without using my headphones or phone which was a refreshing change to being on campus where everyone walks to class with their heads down and focused on their technology.

              I liked this assignment because it made me think more into my daily routine of watching television and attempting to hide from the cold of winter in my dorm. There is an extreme contrast between the mediated environment and the natural environment. Firstly, I found that I became less stressed faster and with more ease in my natural environment. Without all of the media interfering, I was able to process my day and thoughts which helped me slow down and appreciate the environment I was in. While watching the movie I didn’t experience the same relaxation, the flow of new information interested me but was a less satisfying experience for me. I think in today’s society, television is one way how we deliver and receive information, in great volumes, from all different perspectives. Which could be an advantage, hearing from different types of people, but with the vastness of information out in the world it is easy for the population to get lost in the knowledge. Going out into an environment without the influence of social media and technology can be beneficial to people mental health because it allows for time to reflect and observe our earth and its natural wonders.