Silence world vs. disturbed dystopian

Hello, my name is Shishir Sharma, a writer of this blog

It was around 6’O clock in the evening, and it was time for my walk. Usually, I tend to run in the evening, but I had to walk and experience it. I realized it, and I hadn’t been on a walk for a long time. My busy life and schedule constantly made me run from one place to another. First, run to college, then back home, then to work. I walked around my neighborhood area. It was pretty interesting. Before I went on a walk, I purposefully left my phone and headphones inside the house to experience what it’s like to walk “normally.” Without a phone and gadgets, I can see the real world. The cold wind breeze was touching my cheeks, and my brain was constantly looking here and there to find birds. When I was walking, I spotted a deer. It was amazing to see baby deer, and they were just too cute. That day I started thinking about life as usual and wondered the life before the internet. We didn’t have internet access until 2010; it took me to the good old days. After a walk, I felt fresh, all the doubts were clear, and more importantly, I felt productive. Walks are good for mental and physical health.

The same night, as usual, I use my cellphone before bed. It was around 10’O clock at night. I was on my phone watching Facebook, Instagram, and youtube. I started on youtube, watching soccer for thirty minutes. Then onto Instagram, watching someone tick-tock for another half an hour. Then by the time I watched Facebook, I had spent another 1-hour scrolling through my news feed and some random videos. I was supposed to be sleeping by 11, and now it’s midnight. Two hours of my sleep was wasted. It is just amazing what social media can do to us. It was nothing productive, then I felt tired and slept for a long time. 

One thing is sure in this life, and we will spend a lot of time on social media. This becomes a massive problem for the future generation. When I was younger, none of this would have been a problem. I’m one of those people my age who I saw on the internet very late. I first knew about the internet in 2012, after I came to America. My whole childhood, I had no access to the internet. Life was much easier back then, and people would finish their job and go to sleep. Even the children were so active. Every day I would end up with wounds from playing too much. I don’t remember what I watched on my phone, but I remember how hard it is to hike. Our phone is a silent world, and our life becomes a dystopian world.