Technology vs Nature

Rilee Hupart

In my one hour of technology I spent most of my time watching YouTube videos. Then I listened to music and scrolled through Facebook. I like to watch YouTubers play video games because I feel like it’s easier to watch them play than to try myself. It would take me a lot longer to play a video game because I would get to addicted to playing. I feel like that happens to everyone when they play a new game or find something new to do. Everyone loses track of time because they get to wrapped up in whatever they are doing. I don’t let myself play video games anymore because once I start playing, I won’t stop for a long time and then I realize it’s 4 in the morning. After that, I watched Marvel edits because I like watching Marvel videos and it also helps me find new songs to add to my playlist. Then I scrolled through Facebook and looked at what my friends and family posted.

            In my hour of being in nature my mom and I went to the Neabsco Creek Boardwalk for the first time. It opened on June 3rd of this year. We ran into a father and daughter that were taking pictures of tree frogs and they told us what kinds of animals to see while on the boardwalk. They were at the boardwalk the day before and saw an eagle and turtles. We didn’t see any eagles or turtles on our walk unfortunately. The two main attractions of the walk were a light blue frog and a big black and yellow spider. We also some finches and some black and red colored birds. The trail itself is three and a half miles long but we didn’t walk the entire way. We stayed out there for about an hour and half before we went back home. When the weather becomes cooler and when I’m not on crutched I want to go back and see what other animals are out there.

            Overall, I enjoyed my time in nature more than I did scrolling though my phone. While I find listening to music comforting and relaxing, I’m still indoors. Walking outside was much more relaxing because of the fresh air and being able to experience the beauty and tranquility nature has to offer. Nature is also better because I got to see things that I haven’t seen before. I have never seen a blue frog or a giant spider so seeing them with my own eyes was a cool experience. It’s much better to see it in person than looking at a picture or video.