A Relaxing Labor Day

Zachary H.

Labor Day 2019


On Labor Day, I decided to focus on finally finishing the setup for my new condo. For my nature hour, I merely spent time outside my condo planting and organizing my yard. Outside the front door, there is a walkway, and surrounding the walkway are the varieties of plants that have made the area their home. To the right, when exiting the home, is a patio with some chairs, a table, and some potted plants, namely a cactus, peace lily, snake plants, catnip, and cat grass. There is also a pot on the table that my roommates and I found half-buried in the property’s lawn, so my goal was to clean that and transplant the cat plants. 

As I was sitting, scrubbing away at the pot, I could hear children playing in the nearby pool. Also, there were some families cooking out in their small yards, yielding smells of charcoal and meats. It was hot out, around 28 degrees celsius, but there were occasional breezes, possibly coming from the storm that would approach later that evening. Sometimes a neighbor would walk past, so I gradually became more aware of neighbors whom I have not yet seen since moving in. Overtime, I could see the sky becoming overcast, hinting at the impending storm. I finally restored the pot and cleared it of all the cobwebs and dirt filled it with soil, and transplanted the plants. Right as I was finished, it started to drizzle, and I went back inside.


As the rain started, I decided to start thinking about what final touches could be made for the house, so I went on my laptop to look into what I could do. At first, I looked at kitchen-ware. I learned that bamboo cutting boards are durable and recommended over plastic, but more expensive. I also learned the differences and uses for the knife set that was recently purchased for the house. Raising plants has become a small hobby of mine, so I looked up to find more plants that I could potentially buy for the house. I also looked for where some private nurseries are in the area because Lowe’s and Home Depot were quickly dropping in their gardening center stock as the weather starts turning over. After researching more plants and nurseries, I got up and left to go check out one of the nurseries closeby.