Media versus Outdoors

For this assignment, I decided to begin with my hour of media. I watched an episode of my current favorite show on Hulu, The Handmaids Tale. The episode was about an hour long, with a few commercial breaks. The commercials were focused mostly on labor day sales, which prompted the purchase of the new outdoor furniture currently sitting on my balcony. In addition to holiday sales, many of the ads were from insurance companies like Progressive, with another third of the ads representing phone companies like Verizon, T Mobile, and Cricket. 

     For my hour outdoors, I decided to organize a hike and trash clean up with some Brothers from my fraternity. We drove up to the Billy Goat Trail at 7am, and spent the morning hiking  through the woods collecting trash and picking paw paw fruits. We were on the trail for a few hours, and managed to remove about 6-8 bags of trash from the park. The information I received from this experience was mostly focused around the best way to get the paw paws down from the trees and learning which ones were ripe through trial and error.  

     The information I received during the media experience was almost exactly opposite the information I got from the hike. Instead of being bombarded with ads about insuracne,  and cell phone coverage, I spent my hour in the woods learning about the environemnt around me, which I enjoyed much more than learning about the sales around Fairfax.