Two Hours of Information

Instagram: what a great social media, that compiles pictures, live video, video channels, stories, chatting space, likes and numbers of views, followers, and comments on posts with their own likes, and even a space to register posts and classify them. It encompasses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tiktok, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and TV. Everything on this network is made to capture your attention either by following your friend’s life, celebrities’ life, everyone’s life…but above all focus your attention on yourself!

            You can even create a professional account as well as an account for your dog!

Professional accounts are mostly artists, photographs, magazines, fashion designers, Fitness coaching,…

            Now you also have a new profession created thanks to the social media named: Influencers. These are brand ambassadors with discount codes, or comedians, or tutorial animators, or bloggers, viners,…

            And for the “Icing on the cake,” we even have adds everywhere on social media for any type of goods like on TV. Mostly lower-end fashion/ retailer websites add for holidays planning companies, and recently sponsoring for personal accounts; which means that like tinder, your account can be sponsored and present to selected potential followers with a nice picture of you randomly selected!

            This short presentation of Instagram its what came first to me when I spend 1hour on the social network.

            Going on the details, although Instagram has an entertaining function with the memes and funny accounts and posts, it also has an informative function with political or social and environmental justice accounts providing some pieces of information.                          Besides that, this a tool used to make the buzz when a scandal hits; as an example, 2020 and its bright beginning: a potential WWIII, forest fires in Australia and Kobe Bryant’s death.

            However, the source of the information on Instagram coming from everywhere can drive/ spread contradicted or even fakes news, that’s why it’s not trustworthy at some point.

            For the second place, I went to Van Dyck Park here in Fairfax nearby my house.

This is a relatively small park, with small jogging tracks, 2 tennis courts, 4 volleyball courts whose 2 with sands, a playpen, and even a picnic area.

The park is also constructed on a hill, so it as different levels separating the different areas.

            Moreover, there is a primary school nearby, so during the hour, I spend at the park I could hear the joyful children.

Besides that only the noise of the tennis ball hitting the racket and one of the cars passing by the nearest road disrupt birdsongs.

            Overall, the atmosphere was calm and quiet, but nature is not pure and transformed or degraded by man. There is no pure area in the park and this is a sign that humans prevail on nature!

            In conclusion, both experiences were different but I felt the same: inner peace!

I felt peace being on Instagram cause I have an addiction to the social network, and I spend at least 2h a day on it. On the other side, I felt peace at the park because it was outdoor and there were not a lot of people, so I could meditate a little.

            Nevertheless, in both cases, there was no room for pure nature or total calm, as it is in surroundings free from humans!