Finally got back from class of course the first thing I do is open the ol laptop of mine. There I see the youtube app so I had to click it. Maybe my recommended list has something interesting today. As I scroll through my feed I see youtube reviews of one of the most well-known rappers to date, Eminem. He had just put out a new album so of course everyone feels the need to voice their opinion about it. I wasn’t in the mood for that at the time so I kept scrolling and found and MSNBC news clip about Andrew Yang presidential campaign. That didn’t interest me at the time either so I decided to switch to Instagram of of the biggest social media apps of all time. As I scrolled through instagram I saw my pictures of my high school friends enjoying the various colleges they go to. The next best thing you’ll find on instragram is the memes. The memes I scrolled through entailed all different kind of information from the jokes about relationships to sports memes. One cool thing I discovered on instagram is a motivation workout shirt that says “ You can go home now, “ but only shows up when the shirt is covered in sweat, proving that you worked hard in the gym. I’d never seen anything like this before and was genuinely intrigued. After done with instagram I decided to spend the remainder of my time watching the notorious Game of Thrones. I only watched around  thirty minutes of the episode and found out important information about why one of the characters named Hodur can no longer speak, and only says those words. The hour ended much faster than I had anticipated.

Hour of Nature 

My hour of nature was spent on a bench right outside my dorm, Madison. Now this hour felt more like three as it was a quiet, cold hour out of my day. The breeze did not help with the cold, but allowed a nice view of the trees bristle in the air. In all honestly it was pretty boring without the use of technology, especially without the use of music. As I sit on the bench, I continuously look around, I see the treeline, the sidewalk where a few people would walk by every few minutes, and the open field of grass. There weren’t any animals with the exception of a few birds flying around. After a while instead of becoming a calm experience, it instead turned to a really boring hour and eventually a certain kind of anxiety began to settle in. As the hour began to come to an end sun began to dissipate and the darkness began to settle in, I knew it was time to leave. I get up and take one last look at the treeline and the empty branches before I head back inside into the nice heating.  

In Conclusion, with this assignment you truly come to the realization of what how much information you obtain in a period of time and the juxtaposition between the information you receive from the media with the information you gather in nature. You realize how much faster you receive information from the media compared the sitting out in nature just observing and interpreting the scenery at a much slower pace. In a world where we thrive on instant gratification, the hour in nature was much less satisfying and interesting than the hour spent tuning into different media outlets. Even though this is the case for me I do believe that a balance of the two is an important aspect in live and I will strive to achieve this balance in the future.