Let Your Mind Wonder

By: Jeremy W.

In my one hour of media consumption, I chose the the television to be my media source. I’m really into the Marvel Comics Universe and I just finished watching 7 seasons of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. After finishing all 7 seasons, I’ve noticed that all the Marvel movies and shows have one thing that ties them all together which is TIME. All superheroes and villians come from different time & universes, and in some cases these different times and universes meet each other. For example in Marvel’s Age of Ultron, Thor comes to earth from Asgard and meets Iron Man and Captain America. They end up fighting side by side to save the world. 

In my one hour in a naturalistic environment, I was outside at work observing contractors lay down fresh asphalt for a parking lot. The asphalt comes steaming hot from the plant in a dump truck. The contractors lay the asphalt out evenly across the parking lot and compact it with a mini smooth drum roller that squirts out water to cool off the metal tires. After all the asphalt has be put down and compacted, you can feel the parking lot become hotter than the natural temperature in the air. 

From this experience, I’ve learned that media consumption is very informational no matter what you’re watching. It could either be false or true, fiction or non-fiction. If you are intrigued by what you’re watching, your mind tends to soak up all the information and you begin to learn and retain it. When you’re in a naturalistic environment with no technology to distract, you’re literally watching life go by in front of your eyes. You begin pay more attention to the little details in life by using your senses, oberservation, and judgement.