Two Hours of Information

By: Gillian Garnett

The first hour was spent on my phone watching YouTube videos. The first video I watched was a popular gaming youtuber try to make pretzels without a recipe and was about fifteen minutes long. I decided to go through the playlist that the video was in, and watched two more videos of trying to cook without a recipe. one video was making pizza, and the other was pancake art. After about forty five minutes, I got bored and went on Facebook. I learned that my cousin has gone into labor with her first child, a girl that she and her husband have named Molly. Molly should be arriving some time within the next twelve hours, and I’m really excited to meet my second cousin. I also saw that my coworkers have been posting about what is going on at work, and since I haven’t worked in a few days due to a nasty cold, I haven’t been catching up. They posted that the construction by the building has busted a sewage line, so all of the bathrooms are out of order. 

The second hour I spent on my front porch, because I’m not feeling well and don’t want to go out in public. I left my phone on my desk so I wouldn’t be tempted to use it. I have a hummingbird feeder hanging on the porch and noticed three different hummingbirds come to the feeder. I watched workers put together a new modular home across the street. The land where the modular is used to be have half a dozen apple trees that provided food for the neighborhood deer. The workers were finishing up building the foundation for the home when it started raining. I noticed the mud from the construction run down the hill and into a ditch along the road. 

The first hour made me realize just how easily entertained I am, and that I spend too much time on my phone. It also made me realize that I dont keep up with my family as much as I would like. I also appreciate not being at work while the sewage line is being fixed, and I  feel bad for my coworkers who do have to be there. The second hour made me realize that the sediment from the construction of the modular is running into the nearby land and pipes. The neighborhood deer have also lost a food source due to the removal of the apple trees, as well as the pollinating insect population. It does make me upset when I think about this, as I haven’t seen any deer since the trees were removed.