Hour vs. Hour

By: Grace Vaughn

I open my phone and swipe to what I consider the most mediated environment one can engage in… Tik Tok. Immediately a familiar sound blares through the speakers of my phone. The upbeat song of the summer is accompanied by a video of an influencer making a smoothie bowl. I quickly lose interest and swipe to the next. Now a student from the University of Flordia gives advice to students on where to find textbooks for cheap. NEXT a girl organizing her fridge. NEXT a dog riding a skateboard. NEXT a suggestion on museums to visit in New York. So on and so forth my eyes glaze over until my hour along timer goes off. As I sit down to write my assignment I struggle to remember anything from the hundreds of videos I watched.

My trusty dog Lucy and I set down a familiar path, Huntley Meadows nature trail. Just a few steps into my walk and I’m questioning when the last time I was surrounded by so much silence. Along my walk, I try to enjoy the sounds of nature and appreciate all the plants I pass by. Throughout my walk I encounter several different types of birds, a family of deer, and an entire meadow’s worth of plants.  My mind wanders and I get back into my car feeling refreshed. 

Being in nature has always been an activity I find extremely relaxing. I like hiking and spending time in parks. Social Media is also an activity I engage in to take breaks. However, this activity really made me recognize how different I feel after participating in both activities for an hour. While I received a lot more information watching Tik Toks I think I retained more walking the dog.