Age of Information or Age of Disconnection?

Through the hour of enjoying dramatic television as we all do, I saw Judge Judy tearing into a court case for a custody hearing from two parents. Both these parents continually sling insults at one another without realizing how they demine their own character. D.C.’s Fox 5 reports destroyed American Flags and person stabbed this morning outside their home. Rhino flips safari vehicle with the zookeeper inside, the keeper survived the violent attack. “Oh yes do not forget your umbrellas we are expecting rain the next few days Northern Virginians”, says Fox 5 meteorologist. NBC Sports Washington sports talk deliberates on the fate of Auburn head football coach. “He has been struggling for too long and needs to win the SEC West, Freshman Quarterback or not.”, otherwise they will let him go after this season. Don’t trust just any cleaner, trust CLR it’s safe and cleans better than other brands. It also received a safety stamp from the EPA so it’s better for your family. How much of this information is vital to what is truly happening in America? At most the pertinent information was the stabbing in D.C. and destruction of American Flags. Showing the hate that is flowing inside of some Americans. As Bill McKibben said, “This is truly the age of mis-information.” So many people live with their nose in social media or a TV and do not take the time to look up into what is truly happening. People hardly know how to communicate face to face anymore. This is due to the over abundant use of technology like cell phones texting and instant messaging on social media. What happened to the days of calling an old friend to catch up? Where are the days of meeting someone in person and connecting instead of using tinder, an online dating application?

As I sit out in the woods surrounding Signal Hill Park, I attempt to take in all nature has to offer. I ask myself if trees can communicate. If so, can they with us? As I watch nature, I see geese swimming in a calm pond seemingly in conversation with one another. Two squirrels chase one another up and around trees as if playing tag. A beautiful orange butterfly lands on the ground next to me and as soon as it lands it is gone. As is the way with the pleasure we receive from watching TV or social media. Pleasure in the moment but nothing once it is over. We fill ourselves with temporary love and pleasure when nature can truly give you a lasting fulfillment in your heart that you will never forget. I find knowledge and deep thought when in nature. I find my soul. Many people talk of church as a building when it should be the body of the people assembled as the religious text clearly dictates. Church is where worship and spiritual enlightenment occurs. I see why nature and her aspects are thought of as gods and goddesses by our ancestors and even many people still today. Nature is my church based off this new era definition of a church. Nature is magical, where a life ends, another begins. Mother Nature works in perfect unison from the smallest roots to the biggest animals. All of nature relies on one another and works together to make this beautiful world. This is what we as humans should do. We should all work as one in unison to make the world a better place for all life not just humankind. We are but animals that are highly evolved and can operate on a global scale changing the world. However, it seems the more we focus on these media outlets the more we as humankind become disconnected from what makes us so special.  

We’re a destructive force as humans. We not only destroy ourselves but also mother nature. She is the one that gave us life and supports all our life. Yet we treat her with utter disrespect. This “Information Age” is not as amazing as most would have you believe. These tools such as TV, social media, even news outlets, and many more are used to draw you in and addict you to their short fading pleasures like a bad drug. You become dependent on these aspects in life and sacrifice time in nature, in self exploration, in deep thought, and face to face time with others, all in order to get your fix of what is happening on Jersey Shore this week. As a society we have become more dependent on these “information sources” which, in turn, has led us to become dull and disconnected to what is truly happening in the world. I encourage everyone to not get drawn into this lethargic and mundane way of life. Instead, take a step away from this distraction, lose yourself in nature and use it to free your mind and spirit. Ask questions about what you are told and what you see. Otherwise, how can you know the truth? Explore all these possibilities with those around you. Communicate with other people and tap into their knowledge as well as question their knowledge. You cannot simply take these sources at their word or even me for that matter. We all have some bias and some agenda set ahead when we reach out to others. Take it upon yourself to determine what is right, what is true and what should be done. Do not forget that we are mother nature’s creation and our existence without her would be futile, even void of expression and wonder.