Age of Missing Information



I walked around my neighborhood in Falls Church wearing a thick layer of clothing. I don’t think I wore the right shoes for walking but it is only for an hour. I was on a journey to find the black squirrel that is always running around in the morning when I walk to my car. I saw a flock of geese walking around aimlessly but with a purpose. I like the cold more than most people because I love wearing layers. But I hate taking them off because there’s never any good place to put them so after this walk when I walk back home to my car, I’m going to have to take it off so I’m lucky my car is my portable closet. Trees look so naked without leaves and birds on them. It’s been a lot quieter.  As much as I like the cold I am already starting to miss spring. I know it’s slightly selfish to think this way because we barely had a winter. I see a lot of parents walking around with their kids because it’s a teacher work day. Children are so funny. They’re so innocent and tiny. One kid tried to trip his sister but ended up falling himself. I walked for some more and got bored pretty much immediately. I feel like this would be easier if I had music. This experience is making me wish I walked more often. Nature is truly beautiful even without the obvious evidence of its existence such as the signature scents and pretty colors. Even when it looks monochromatic, it still holds the same amount of volume and depth. I didn’t know there was a shortcut to my church from my house. Maybe one day I’ll walk that route. Walking back to my house I think was my favorite part. I have so many from all the reflecting I did.

Mediated environment. 

I watched an episode of my current favorite TV show Schitt’s Creek on Netflix. I think this show is so funny. I watched an episode where one character was trying to get back with his boyfriend. It was a relaxing watch because I haven’t kept up with the show in about a week and watching an episode always puts me in a good mood. After one episode I went to YouTube and watched some recommended videos. I watched a Bjork music video and another one that explains an in-depth analysis on sexism in Hollywood award shows. It made me think about how much worse it is for women who aren’t in the entertainment business. And that Bjork is super cool. I think the weirdest part about the YouTube experience is the amount of ads I came across that were from the brands and companies whose websites I just visited. I think that’s really weird. I started to get really antsy because I hadn’t been on the internet and stayed still like this in a while. Am I having a hard time relaxing? I watched another episode of Schitt’s Creek but couldn’t pay my full attention because I went on my phone for about a third of the show. I replied to some messages and checked Instagram and Twitter.


I think the most important lesson I discovered is the significance of quiet. I think when I walked alone without any music or technology, my brain and mind went haywire. I think it’s because it finally has time to form cohesive thoughts without being interrupted by images and alerts that require immediate reaction and attention. I think technology and social media are so important and has its benefits but I am one to admit that I don’t use it properly. I think I abuse it and completely ignore nature. And I don’t think this is good for my growth because if I am surrounded by entities that cater to my world, I would never learn how to change and challenge myself. Social media should be there to connect me to the world but instead I trap myself in a bubble of my own consciousness. I don’t think I am utilizing the resources around me to optimal use. Hopefully in the future I can be more aware and in control of my actions. Silence will help me recalibrate and move forward.