Campus Survey – Spring 2021

A Synopsis of the Findings from the Undergraduate Student Experiences of Covid-19 Survey



One of our campus survey questions was, “Are you familiar with the term environmental justice”? Only 16% of the responses said that they were not familiar with the term, 63% said that they have heard the term before and 20% were not sure. Of the different classes, the only one that stood out was among the sophomores with 30% saying that they were not sure of the term; the rest of the classes were 16.8%-19% not sure. The other issues were mentioned covid protection measures, fossil fuels, pollution, making more green areas on campus. It stood out to me to get a response saying to incorporate EJ in Mason’s common core classes.

One of our campus survey questions was, “Are you familiar with the term environmental justice”? Only 16% of the responses said that they were not familiar with the term, 63% said that they have heard the term before and 20% were not sure. Of the different classes, the only one that stood out was among the sophomores with 30% saying that they were not sure of the term; the rest of the classes were 16.8%-19% not sure. The other issues were mentioned covid protection measures, fossil fuels, pollution, making more green areas on campus. It stood out to me to get a response saying to incorporate EJ in Mason’s common core classes.

Sample Description

Coping and Mental Health

  •  The average respondent (64.9%) scored low on the depression measures
  • About a quarter of respondents (22.9%) do not feel that they agree that enjoy life as much as everyone else
  • 30% agreed that they feel that their future is hopeless
  • Only 5.6% of students who are much more stressed are spending much more time outdoors
  • 38.5% of students who are much less stressed are spending much more time outdoors.

Outdoors and Environmental Intereaction


  • Half of students received their vaccines, and of the ones that said they did not, more than half said they would definitely get it at some point.
  • Most wore masks, although social distancing and avoiding crowded areas was a “sometimes” from more participants than in other questions.
  • Students said that the top priority for the U.S. is having access to vaccinations (67%), followed by affordable health care at 58%, addressing issues around race (52%), and dealing with climate (49%).

Issue Priority & Equity

Environmental Attitudes

  • 58.4% of the students surveyed disagreed in some way with a statement that the ecological crisis we are facing is over-exaggerated.
  • 40.3% agree that if the Earth’s resources are developed correctly these resources are plentiful.
  • 50.9% of respondents believe that economic development is needed for environmental protection.
  • More respondents claimed that during the pandemic they have increased the disposing of masks, protective gloves, plastic containers, and cardboard items than a decrease.
  • 45.5% of respondents do not assume they will be taking public transportation after Covid restrictions are lifted. 



  • 75.8% of students either slightly supported or strongly supported greater student involvement on campus for a Green Coalition.

Environmental justice concerns among students:

  • additional COVID protective measures
  • more green spaces on campus
  • address universities ecological footprint
  • reduce pollution
  • educating students