Carla and Blue (my dog)

Carla Macuri-Cruzado

As Blue (my dog) and I started to watch TV and eat an orange, we both settled into watching Harry Potter. It’s actually an hour into the movie and Harry is in the house of his parents where they died. I’m thinking of how sad it is for Harry to go and relive a moment where his parents died to protect him. “This is where he murdered them,” he said to Hermonie, my heart broke when he said that. There come Bethalda Backshaw, a close friend of the Dumboldor was there and invited them into her house. The moment Harry and Hermione went into a creepy house with a creepy lady, I knew something bad would happen. And something did because Bethalda turned into a snake, which I’m guessing is Naguine, trying to kill Harry. I got bored, as I was cruising the channels on Youtube TV, I found Dirty Dancing which I hate by the way. That movie never called my attention so I kept going found FX, Thor Dark World was playing but a dunking donut commercial was playing. Next to that Butterfinger commercial which in my opinion is really creepy. I moved on to FXm, where Kubo was playing, which I happen to love. It was the moment where his grandfather came to him in a dream. As he woke, his mother which is a monkey and his father the battle was there too. However, Kubo doesn’t know that the battle is his father and he has lost all his memory. Went back to watching Harry on SYFY, to find Harry following a deer into the forest. Found the sword of GRinfindor to use it to destroy the necklace which put up a fight. I always found interesting how Harry can speak to snakes, always wondered how that would feel like or to just even see. Nine commercials came on Allstate, Tacobell, eharmony, Hulu, Behr(paint), Pizza Hut, Grand Cannon University, 4imprint, and Credit Karma. Out of all of them, I think the one that matters the most to me was Credit Karma. As a way to improve your credit score that’s the only commercial that stood out for me. There went my hour watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1.

Blue and I went for a trip to the nearest trail around my neighborhood, when we got there it was closed due to flooding. So Blue and I went to find the closest ice cream shop which was at least half an hour walk. Blue and I saw barely any trees as we walked just multiple apartment complex and cars going by. It was actually quite scary at times seeing how many cars had gone by and no one was walking to places even if it was close by. And when we did see trees it was near bus stops which no one was there. It got me thinking of the days I used to take the bus to school and had to wake up early. At that moment I felt guilty because now I drive to school and I don’t carpool with other students. As Blue and I kept walking we had to cross some streets and some cars were anxious for us to get to the other side of the street for them to make a right turn. I was laughing because I do that sometimes when I want to go fast and get home. Blue and I got our ice cream, she ate the majority of my vanilla ice cream. As we went back home, we saw fewer cars come and families walking to their house with groceries. I was surprised to see people out at all which made me a bit happy. We pasted a playground full of kids and their mothers and fathers. Made me remember of family time when I was a child back in Peru and everything was so green. As Blue and I got closer to home we found other dog parents, Blue started to play and get to know other dogs. I started talking with the lady about her dog, age and breed which is what all dog parents start with. We kept going and I started to notice how much green there is around me and new places I can take Blue for walks. She loved going on our long walk and so did I, I had been a while since Blue and I had so much fun.

 I came to the realization that the majority of people today drive everywhere and don’t actually appreciate a nice long walk to their nearest store or anywhere. I got to enjoy a nice long walk with my dog eating ice cream and not worrying about who could be texting me. All I cared about was Blue and how much she enjoyed herself walking and playing with other dogs for a bit. It also made me aware of the fact that I should take more initiative to make my community greener and less populated with trash all over the sidewalks and streets. To get people to walk or bike more instead of using their cars everywhere. I feel that people sometimes rather stay in front of a screen and let time pass by them instead of going out and appreciate how beautiful life can be. I wish we could have more trees and flowers then buildings to see how much better life would be like. We need to appreciate what mother nature has given us and to protect it for future generations.