George Mason University Bus Transportation Services

By Anonymous


The human environment interactions of the George Maosn Univeristy Bus services is that the buses in campus ride many Mason students everyday from Mondays to Fridays or Mondays to Sundays according to other bus metro services. Everyday theses buses use fuel that emit into the air and some like the CUE buses are hybrid which is good for the environment. 

Resources characteristics

The environmental side is these buses are gas or diesel fuel vehicles that produce emissions but the advantage is they go fast and they need to be replaced with sustainable hybrid engines like the CUE buses. The ecological factor is harming the environment but not us because we need the ride. Since Mason has many green programs they need to use zero emission shuttles or buses driving through campus. “Electric buses support Columbia’s Sustainability Plan goals of reduced transportation emissions through greener campus fleets and commuting alternatives,” said David M. Greenberg, executive vice president of University Facilities and Operations.(Sustainable Columbia)

Governance user characteristics

The Governance system on the George Mason Buses is that it operates through routes and metro bus services that help Mason by using Mason Bus stops and final destination to be at Mason like the 29K Metro bus route. This makes it easier for Mason students to get campus cheaper with no charges. Metro is aiming to have its fleet of buses entirely electric by 2045. The transit agency would stop buying diesel-only buses soon and transition to hybrid-electric or compressed natural gas models only before switching to electric-only models in 2030.(Pascale)

 Social/cultural/economic/political settings or related ecosystems

The buses are convenient for the driver and for passengers it has many bus stops that make life easier. It is good for the environment and economy because the buses are cheaper like 2 or 4 dollars and the GMU shuttle is free ride just the students show their Mason ID card to the driver. It is good for the environment if the buses use an electric battery fuel system or hybrid. This is environmental friendly and zero emissions. This is the first public-private partnership for an autonomous public transportation demonstration project in Virginia. Dominion Energy purchased the vehicle which is manufactured by the French company EasyMile. The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation and Fairfax County are providing the vehicle operating costs.(Vadakkepatt and Maribojoc)

 What can we do?

We can do a lot it is not set in stone. The GMU buses can be certified by EV experts and replaced by other alternative energy fuel system or change the buses to electric buses like the electric scooters we have in campus. George Mason University has many environmental programs and clubs. They also have robots bringing food for students so it is possible for GMU to make this change on Transportation vehicle emissions.

Location of the Human-Environment interaction


Columbia University Electric Shuttle Buses Hit the Road | Sustainable Columbia

Metro Approves Plans For Fully Electric Bus Fleet By 2045 | DCist

George Mason University Joins Research Effort of Self-Driving Shuttle Project | George Mason University (