Information Web

Carlos Leiva

Turned on CNN Replay from the Samsung TV Plus app. First thing I saw is the San Diego Zoo wildlife alliance had made a custom boot for a penguin. I wonder what was wrong with the penguin to begin with. Commercial! A guy won the lottery? Nope, it’s a bounty commercial. Is that what I am supposed to feel when using bounty paper towel? How interesting; weather. We are expecting some thunderstorm and extreme heat. When can I expect this? Let me check my phone. What this? Serena William played tennis. I thought she retired. But any who, she won her game. Portugal found a large fossil in Europe. What they uncovered a 2-meter-long vertebrate. Probably a sauropod. 

Great another commercial about some medication. I am not sure what it supposed to cure but these risks are a lot. Why would anyone take it? Great back to the news. Wait former president Donald Trump is still on the news. Oh, wait it’s not about him, it’s about his wife. Apparently, she is upset that the FBI raided her place of staying. I find it interesting that she lives in a separate apartment from her husband. What this! California tomato rig spilled over the highway! Thousands of tomatoes all over the highway. Caused four accidents, I hope they are okay. On to Mississippi. There is a flood but not from a storm but due to a broken pump? How strange. Oh, wow they are out of water. How does that happen? What is the protocol for it? You evacuate. 

Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge is very beautiful in the morning. The sun has just raised, and the sky is displaying all its beautiful colors over the Potomac River. I hear the Mourning Dove “cooing.” I can’t quite find him; I know it’s him from a previous class. But that sky is so beautiful! The glow warm of the sun feel nice on my skin and the sky is red; I remember something my girlfriend says. Red sky in the morning delight and night skies be weary. Or is it the other way around? I am not sure. Do you think it’s possible to tell that much information from the color of the sky? I thought it had to do with pollutants in the sky. 

You know what annoys me more than a rock in my shoe? A Blue Jay calling for attention. I’ve been hearing them for a while, and I’ve grown tired of listening to them yell “hey! hey!” You would think a flashy bird like that would not need to be as noisy. But I’ll move to a different location. As I walk along this path, I hear Grey Catbirds meowing and Pileated Woodpeckers making their spooky calls. As I walk along this path, I see Red-winged Blackbird hanging out, American Goldfinch being as bright as the sun and Turkey Vultures circling something from the sky.

Like I said before, beautiful morning, the weather feels nice. What’s that bird call I hear? “Nun-uh! Nun-uh!” I walk around to locate this bird and I see a flock of multiple black birds. “Nun-uh! Nun-uh!” I know what it is! It looks like a crow. I know we have two different crow species. When it doubts, ask the crow if it is an American crow. “Nun-uh!” it replies. It’s a fisher crow! 

            The media consumption told me what to think and never let me use my brain. I felt like I was being spoon-fed. When I was in nature, I had to use my brain to make connections for what I was seeing and hearing. I also had a hard time remember everything I watched on CNN while I was able to remember in vivid details when I was in nature. I guess it’s true, TV really rots your brain.