Jason Lee


I sat down in front of my computer, opened YouTube and ended up watching a documentary of a game called DOOM. Videos about how amazing and revolutionary the game design was and how it did influence the gaming genre of today. It talked about how it became the first game to place and emphasis on the player and not the character, the silent protagonist trope. How revolutionary the level design and how graphicly intense the game was when it first released. The video then moved on to music design and how the “E1M1” theme became the iconic DOOM theme. Eventually the video moved on to how it influenced the gaming genre of today. How DOOM became the father of deathmatch, a type of game mode that allowed multiple players to fight each other in a free or all environment. It talked about how the fast pace gameplay influenced other genres to also follow a fast pace gameplay. This was my experience of 1 hour of media.

            My 1 hour of nature experience was essentially a walk around my neighborhood’s park and pathways. I looked around the pathway thinking, “it looks nice but dang its cold”. I guessed that it was around 35*F but I never bothered to check if it really was 35 or around it. As I continued down that path, I meet some strangers walking their dogs and just observing what kind of dog it was. The person that was walking the dog said a simple “hello”, and I replied with “how’s it going”, to which he responded, “well”. Eventually I came across the stream crossing with a couple of stone steps placed in between 2 pathways that allowed someone to walk across. Before I walked across, I placed my hand in the water thinking that it was probably cold to which it was, of course. I walked across and simply reminisced about how my middle school days were spent biking across this small stream and between different neighborhoods. Eventually on the way back home I walked into a wooded area observing different kinds of tree although they looked the same briefly due to it being winter.

Stone Crossing Park, Centreville VA

What I learned was that media today is fast paced. If you looked that the difference in technology today and the technology in the 1970’s it’s incredibly different. Back then graphic were made of 16 bits, like classic Mario, but look at graphics and game today, its almost hyper realistic. This all happened in 40-50 years, the advancement is huge. However, in nature everything moves like slow clock. Things are happening, like trees shedding their leaf. It certainly happening just slowly, like most things in nature, the world and environment slowly adapts to fit the surroundings. In my opinion, us humans are moving too fast, so fast that we tunnel vision on the goals we have. We end up blocking the surroundings, ignoring it. If there is anything these 2 hours of information has taught me its that we should slow down, appreciate the surroundings because it’s simply beautiful.