Mapping Mason: Not So GREENhouse

By Anonymous

Figure 1: The Presidents Park Hydroponic Greenhouse


The GMU greenhouse currently uses non-renewable energy sources to power the greenhouse (Office of Sustainability, 2022). The development of the greenhouse is not sustainable to the environment. While providing over 2,000 pounds of produce, it is still a large, intensive building that emits greenhouse gases.

Resource characteristics

Fossil fuels are being burned to run the greenhouse at GMU. Meaning natural resources and direct impact to the environment is involved. The burning of fossil fuels can increase temperatures (both on land and in water), increase precipitation, raise sea levels, impact human health, and much more (Sommer, 2016). The ecological factors such as light, temperature, soil, and water are all affected since the emissions effect all organisms, biotic and abiotic. Around 30,000 of kilowatt hours are used in electricity and approximately 18,000 pounds of CO2 were emitted just last year from the GMU greenhouse. Although the greenhouse is helping plant and grow diverse plant species, the indirect effects outweigh the positive, local benefits.

Governance/user characteristics

At our local level, the GMU hydroponic greenhouse was originally owned by the College of Science. The main use of the greenhouse was to provide plants to biology and environmental introductory courses. Now, the Office of Sustainability took over and uses it to produce food that is either sold to the public or given to GMU’s dining halls. Not only do Mason students rely on the greenhouse for food, but staff who work in the greenhouse get paid by the profits (Office of Sustainability, 2022). Also, when producing energy at the greenhouse, there is a link between the human output/input energy and the measurement of efficiency, which is all regulated through the power grid which extends beyond George Mason Universities campus and into the state of Virginia (GiamPietro & Pimentel, 1991).

Social/cultural/economic/political settings or related ecosystems

The reason the GMU greenhouse is run like it is because of financial reasons. It is cheaper to use fossil fuels and take energy from the grid, as most of the university already does. Creating a solar powered greenhouse has been attempted, but things have fell through, and the project was dropped. The greenhouse would also take near $90,000 to get it completely offset. However, American culture has been slowly switching to solar energy, especially with houses. The problem with all the technologies is that they are new, and Mason prefers trustworthy technology that will not inconvenience GMU Faculties, The Office of Sustainability, and whoever else is involved.

What can we do?

GMU has committed to be carbon neutral in 2050. Although this statement was released about ten years ago and updates should be coming out this month, Mason needs to move up that deadline. GMU needs to start looking into renewable energy sources and reading research being released, not just on solar power. There has also been new research coming up with new and innovative ways to create smart local electric grids (Ouammi, 2021). Making the Greenhouse completely carbon neutral, along with the greenhouse on top of exploratory, it is a step in the right direction. GMU students need to advocate and push the higher up individuals to accomplish and start creating real change.

If relevant

A team of undergraduate and graduate students have been currently working alongside the Office of Sustainability to install solar panels next to the Presidents Park Greenhouse. The PGF has granted them $20,000 to offset a portion of the greenhouse. Facilities have also been involved and are pushing to offset the whole greenhouse with additional funding. The Office of Sustainability should continue this work with other “green” projects around campus that rely on non-renewable energy sources.

Figure 2. Location of greenhouse shown in red “x”


GiamPietro, & Pimentel, D. (1991). Energy efficiency: Assessing the interaction between humans and their environment. Ecological Economics, 4(2), 117–144.   

Ouammi, A. (2021). Model predictive control for optimal energy management of connected cluster of microgrids with net zero energy multi-greenhouses. Energy, 234, 1.             doi:

Presidents Park Greenhouse – Office of Sustainability. (n.d.).

Sommer. (2016). Burning Fossil Fuels: Impact of Climate Change on Health. International    Journal of Health Services, 46(1), 48–52.