Nature Versus Media

For my one hour of media consumption, I spent time typing away at my computer and listening to my music playlist on my phone. My day started out with an early morning with me doing my homework for a couple of different classes. I had went back and forth going through different sites and taking a break in between scrolling through my Pinterest seeing what I liked in matters of food and clothing. I realized when the hour was over that I felt exhausted from not really doing much. When I was younger, I remember always jumping around technology and being able to run around for hours after the fact. This time it felt more like a chore that was inching to get done and afterwards felt like I needed to nap. 

For my one hour out in nature I took a short drive to Great Falls Park to go on a small hike and to put my feet in the water. It wasn’t too hot outside since I went in the morning, I could enjoy the wind breezing by my skin. I couldn’t help looking at the clear water and rocks that were everywhere. I made it slowly down the ridged rocks to get closer to the water. Nearly slipped a couple of rocks due to the slippery algae that was on the rocks. Though I was able to find a small beach with pebbles scattered through it and I grabbed the picnic blanket I had packet. I pulled out the food I had brought as well and just laid down staring at the sky. It was a beautiful view that just made me feel quieter. I then took off my shoes and put my feet in the water. It was a shock to my own system when I touched the cold water. I could feel; the shiver run up my spine as I looked out at the water. I soon went back to my food and ate what I packed. It felt different after the hour was up, more relaxed but still wired in my own mind.  

The experience in general was a bit unexpected but also expected. What I mean is I expected to feel more accelerated after being on the media, but I had really felt tired of it. It was the complete opposite till I realized what I had been doing over time then I started to see that it was a repeating trend. When I was out in nature, I seemed to get more energy from it, being able to stare at it for even a few moments seemed to give me a tiny bit of boost further to keep going. The main thing I learned is that we need to each figure out what gives us that boost and take in everything rather than be scattered with the media.