News vs Nature


For my hour of media, I decided to browse the internet and read news stories. What caught my attention was online information can vary significantly. A lot of news stories are believed by who, or what company, can get the story out the quickest; or who can get their story posted the most views. Many new sites can be biased and also only care about getting views and not about what the correct information is. Without some time spent researching it’s very easy to not get the entire news story. It really highlighted to me that it was important to understand what information I found, the websites I looked at, and if those companies have any biases. 

     For my hour in nature, I decided to sit at a park near my house. As I sat outside, I listened to children playing, dogs barking, and the sounds of animals mingled with the noise from cars stuck in traffic nearby. Sitting outside without technology allowed me to focus on the environment around me rather than playing games on my phone, making shopping lists in an app, or listening to Spotify. The sun shining brightly, and the warm air provided a relaxing experience where I could just be and not focus on assignments, bills, or the dishes waiting for me at home.

What struck me the most during my two hours was how quickly time passed when I was browsing websites online; what felt like 15 minutes was an hour. In comparison, the time spent outdoors without technology felt like it had been an hour or more and was in reality only 15 minutes. Browsing websites online, or playing videos is a nice escape from reality sometimes but it’s also important to enjoy time outdoors without social media or technology.