One hour media & One hour nature

By: Anonymous

The media I spent my hour on is watching a few episodes on Netflix which is a little more than an hour. The device I will be using is my laptop and the title of the show that I wwatch is Chicago Meds. So this all started with me opening my laptop and then I just watch the show. Sometimes I multitask with homeowork listening to it in the background and sometimes I stop my homework to engage in the show. If I have something to eat then I just usually watch my show as I eat. There are times where I would check up on my phone, texting friends or looking at emails while the show is still going on. Each episodes are about 40 minute long, I usually skip the begining and the credits at the end, therefore it shortens it just a little bit. 

The other hour that I have spent is with nature. I have spent it in the backyard since that is the only environment that is at home and doesn’t require me to drive. The weather outside was dreadfully hot. It was a bit hard being without my phone since nowadays we are all on it but at the same time it’s a bit relaxing at first. Later on I start getting a bit anxious and then I just walked around back and forth. I have this patio swing chair so I decided to just sit on it and swing on it to try to keep myself cool. The hour have felt really long and I was still anxious to go back in and just be on my media. Besides me being anxious the sound of nature was pretty nice but since I did my hour in the backyard I can hear my neighbor’s talking and I know it’s bad to eavesdrop but their conversations were interestign even though I got no idea what they are talking about and I don’t understand what they are saying.

Overall, my experience with nature outside was interesting and my experience with media was the same s almost everyday on how I just use my phone and such. The one thing I can do again is be on media since there is a lot more to see and plus it’s safer to be inside than outside. Being in the nature was hard, it reminded me of how when I was little I use to like camping a lot just cause it was interesting to see how nature were even though it was in my backyard.