Policy Memos Spring 2021

Topic Overview

Green Buildings

The county has adopted a green building policy.  Which green practices provide the most benefit?  Which offer the most bang for the buck?  Should businesses or residential owners be encouraged or required to retrofit less green structures?


The Braddock District does not have a Metrorail station.  What strategies can be employed to help promote environmentally sustainable transportation options in this area?


As the county has developed, natural features like forests and meadows have been replaced by roofs and pavement.  Since rainwater can no longer percolate into the ground through these surfaces, both the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff has increased.  This has led to degradation of our local streams and downstream water bodies, ultimately the Chespeake Bay.  The county has made significant investments in stormwater control and management.  What is the best way to address this increasing problem?  Should we rely on treatment?  Should we try to reduce impervious surfaces?  What goals should new development meet?


The Board of Supervisors adopted a Tree Action Plan in 2006.  It was updated in 2019.  What is needed to protect our urban forests, particularly as the county becomes even more developed?  Does the TAP goal of no net loss to tree canopy go far enough?  What part(s) of the TAP should we emphasize as priorities?

Drinking Water

In 1982, the county “downzoned” 41,000 acres of land to protect the Occoquan Reservoir.  This downzoning limited the number of houses that could be built in the downzoned area and required more stringent treatment of stormwater runoff.  The population of the county has increased significantly since that time and some feel the restrictions should be stepped back so this area can be developed.  Has technology changed enough to allow more development in the watershed area?  Should the restrictions continue?

Waste Management

The county has long promoted recycling as part of its solid waste disposal plan.  Two new locations were recently opened for food scraps composting dropoff.  Is this an effective way to promote composting on a large scale?