The McKibben Experiment

By: Sean Malloy

A day indoors:

Wake up early just like every morning, but ah how nice, nothing to do today whatsoever.  I look outside to see murky skies, I’ll take this as a sign that Earths closed.  I have a giant TV in front of me ripe with stimulation it’s early though, I want a screen that’s an arm’s length away so the phone wins.  I start my adventure with YouTube I like variety, well my kind of variety, it’s Vice to feel cultured then Aquarium videos and ending with mystery videos.  When I write it one could argue I was doing a little something, learning at least?  I don’t feel that way though, more drained than anything.  The more I sit around the comfier another nap sounds.  My eyes are starting to feel sore so I think that’s exactly what I’ll do.

A day in Nature:

Great Falls Maryland, never been but what could go wrong with an unplanned hike, right?  Finally arrive feeling excited, for this is much more than we bargained for!  Luckily made sure to grab a map because we love as well as respect nature, it was a wise choice.  After a moment on a crowded main trail, we find the unkempt entrance we were looking for.  What a beautiful day it’s cool with the smell of rain.  This trail feels personal like our very own trail, just us and an interweb of roots and mycelium.  At the end of the day, I felt invigorated ready to enjoy the night and the rest of the week. 


I can feel it when I’ve been inside too long.  It’s a sluggish feeling, unmotivated is the word I’m going to use.  The stuffy air and lack of movement just breed more laying around.  Especially since COVID has happened I feel like I’ve seen way too many screens.  Being outside was amazing, I felt relieved of any responsibilities.  Just us and our trail for the day. I chose hiking because since moving to NOVA I haven’t done any.  I think if possible trying to have a weekly hike is something I’m going to try and continue.