Emily Bohr
My first hour will be playing a game called Stardew Valley (on a Nintendo Switch). This is a very easy-going game; where your character farms, mines and interacts with the local “town”. This game is so easy-going in fact, that you don’t even really need to meet any goals or really do ~anything~ other than be the little character and roam about. It is a very calming game, and gets me away from the very busy life that I have. I played for probably longer than an hour, as an in game “day” lasts about 15 minutes, roughly, and I played quite a few days. I was able to build a coop on my farm to house some chickens, and I also got married in the game. (Seriously, the game sounds odd, but it’s super fun). Indulging in this media takes little to no effort, and I sit on my bed, in my dorm room most of the times that I’m able to play it. I also only let myself play once I’ve finished all of the real world productive things I need to get done (like homework, cleaning and exercising).
My hour in nature was spent at Burke Lake Park, in Fairfax, about 15 minutes from campus. I walk here about once or twice a week, but normally I’m able to go with my roommate or I listen to a podcast while I’m strolling. Today, for this assignment, I walked around the trail for a little over an hour, just because that’s how my pace is. In an effort to not use any technology, I did not get a lot of photos, except one. (included) I take this trail often, so I’m used to it’s turns and elevation changes, but it was strangely more calming than it normally is. I believe that the difference in walking the trail without any media drastically changed my experience with it. I always knew that the park was beautiful, which is why I’m such a frequent guest, but it just seemed more beautiful and inviting this hour. Maybe this is the placebo effect because I went knowing I needed to “take it all in”, but it was an overwhelmingly nice experience walking without any music, podcast or conversation. Although, it was incredibly hot and humid outside, and I became stressed not being at my dorm because I was thinking about the work I need to get done, even though this is part of my daily exercise.
Even though my “media” consumption is of a very low stress game, I know in my heart that being outdoors is better for my overall wellbeing. As someone who works almost full time and is a full-time student, I believe that the media consumption was actually a better experience, for me personally. I think the comfort of my bed and being able to relax fully is something that felt really great. As much I love the outdoors, these particular two separate hours showed me how relaxing my media consumption can be, because I’m able to “shut my mind off’ & focus on the game. I enjoy these two activities every week, and I also believe that I will try to walk my favorite trail without music or my podcasts once in a while!
