Unforgiving Technology

I sit down after a long day of classes, work, and life. This next hour would pass by quickly as I am always distracted by a new screen every few seconds. Sometimes I wonder; where does the time fly. I look at my phone and two minutes have gone by. I start up my laptop and take a look at the work I need to do. I already have a headache and a throbbing sensation between my eyes. I start to read my online textbook and start taking notes on my ipad. Sometime passes by and I get lost in th words of texts swimming on the screen. My phone vibrates and I look over to see there is a notification from my email. The time shows thirty minutes have gone by. The email flashes on the lockscreen of my phone, another reminder that I should be thinking about going to law school and studing for the LSAT. I groan and throw my head back. My headache now has increased and I just feel like laying down. I put my head down and try to plan out my day to manage my time. I hear another vibration from my phone. Looking up I see an hour has passed and I’ve only read seven pages of my textbook. 

I sit down at the park bench. I drove to Burke Lake park to take sometime to relax myself. It is already starting to get hot even though it is morning time. I start to walk around the park, trying to stay in the shaded areas. There is a pleasent breeze blowing and the smell of the lake fills my nose. I go over to the body of water and stand by the bank. The geese waddle by me and I crack a smile. I wish I had brought some food for them. I start to walk around a diffrent part of the Lake where there is a park bench. I sit down on the bench and take a minute to look around. The green trees and blue water is so pleasing to the eye. I get up and walk over to the bank to see little tagpoles swimming and small fish. Walking on the sandy slope of the lake, I notice there are shells and I pick them up to add them to my collection. 

From this experience, I have learned that it is nice to take a break from technology and the stressed of life. In the hour where I was using my technology as usual, I was stressed as usual. But when I turned off my phone and was just in nature, I was able to relax and forget about my problems. It is important to put your mental health first and seperate sometime just for yourself.